Why should I join this business ?To
earn Active money as well as
transferrable passive income. (Find more benefits below).
How do I earn Active money ?You can earn active money just
by changing your Shop. As an active business member get our products at
Wholesale rate. Use them yourself or sell these products to others at
MRP to
earn active money. You can also earn active money as an
Insurance agent of our
How do I earn transferrable Passive income ?You can earn Transferrable passive money in two ways:
1.The more you earn Active money , more you become entitled to get
Transferrable Passive income which keeps on coming even after you stop working to earn active money.2. Make people aware about this unique business opportunity & get more transferrable passive income. ( Optional)How much can I earn actively or passively in this Business ?There is no limit how much can you earn actively or passively.
More you work more you get. A part time worker with 4-5 hours per Week to work ( without leaving his present job) can manage to earn
Rs 30,000 to Rs 100,000 per month transferrable passive income + Active money separately.
How much is the investment required to start this business ?By investing
Rs 44oo/- only you get useful products of your choice to start your business + training material, etc. (
No hidden Cost)
What if I don't find the business suitable for me ?Start up cost is refundable fully if you decide to leave the business within 3 months due to any reason or the MNC does not find you suitable for the work.
Do Active Business members have to make minimum purchases?
No. Active Business members are
not required to make
any minimum or ongoing purchases. And if a Business member decides to leave the business, Company will
purchase back any unused, currently marketable products and literature.
Does this program really give people more free time, or does it require a lot of time to succeed?
This business does
offer flexibility for our active Business members in running their business. Unlike most conventional jobs, Active Business members can work at home, when they want, at their own pace, on their own schedule, according to the goals they have set for themselves. The choice of when, where and how much time to devote to their business is theirs alone. This flexibility is
one important reason why the opportunity
appeals to so many people around the world.
Is product pricing competitive?
Our products are
price-competitive and
good value for the money with
100 % money back guarantee.
Why do people choose to have this? We believe there are a variety of attractions for being a part of this business :
1.To build their own business by minimum investment of Time & money
2.To get Transferrable Passive income along with Active income
3.Buy products they like at wholesale/discount prices
4.Recommend products they like to others & get rewarded
5.This business provides a low-cost, low-risk means to achieve all this – and more. 6. Free World Tours by Company
Flexibility to work at their own timings.
Who can become active business member ?
The business opportunity is
open to everyone, who is above 18 years of age regardless of gender, race, religion, or political or other personal beliefs.
What is the procedure to become an active business member ? To become an active business member the first step is to find an
introducer who can help you in joining this unique Business Opportunity.(
E-mail us (at thehelpingheart@yahoo.com) your phone No with City of residence so that we can tell you the address of our Office in your City + Name of an introducer with his unique ID No. )
Who will take Rs 4400 from me ?No individual shall take this money from you. Go to our Office if satisfied fully, purchase a form submit it yourself at our Office located in your City. Get your products & start your business
What if there is No office of your MNC in my city ?In that case we shall suggest you a
nearby office.
Is the business plan today as valid as it was over 40 years ago?
Absolutely. Our MNC's Sales and Marketing Plan, with its roots in the basic elements of free enterprise, is a
proven business concept. Originating almost half a century ago, this business plan has been continually refined and enhanced to meet the needs of entrepreneurs.